Our Year 3 Spellings
In Autumn 1, we recapped our Year 1 and 2 common exception word spellings. Please continue to revise these throughout the year. You will find another copy of the list underneath.
From Autumnn 2 onwards, we will begin our Year 3 spellings. Each week you will find a new list here with a new spelling rule.
We will have four spelling lessons/activities throughout the school week:
MONDAY early morning/late afternoon work - Spelling menu
WEDNESDAY early morning/late afternoon work - Spelling menu
WEDNESDAY afternoon lesson - Spelling aerobics
THURSDAY early morning/late afternoon work and afternoon lesson - Spelling word search
FRIDAY afternoon - Spelling test
Furthermore, I will post a full list of half termly spellings too. These are statutory word lists that the children are expected to know by the end of Year 4. Please read these during the half terms that the children are off and not doing homework.
Underneath is a copy of our class spelling menu you might like to use at home.
Thank you.
Autumn 1
Year 1 and 2 common exception words to learn.
2nd Nov - prefixes dis, in, un
9th Nov - prefixes dis, im, in, un
16th Nov/30th Nov after isolation - suffix -ous
7th December - suffix ly
March return
8th March - ture words
15th March - ation words
22nd March - ch words
19th April - more ch words
26th April - tion words
3rd May - cian words
10th May - re words
17th May - more re words
24th May - anti words
7th June - super words
21st June - sub words
Half termly spellings
The 100 words children are expected to spell by the end of Year 4.
They have been broken down for you between the six half terms.