
Behaviour at Our Lady's
At Our Lady’s we take pride in the high standards of good behaviour that our children exhibit in and around the school. In the ethos of our mission statement we believe that good behaviour and respect for each other and our surroundings ensure a calm and productive atmosphere in which to learn.  In order to achieve this, the school has operated a consistent system which ensures that children are rewarded for good behaviour and that positive behaviour management techniques are used consistently by all staff.

Our approach to behaviour management is based upon the principles of the Thrive approach.

It has three main benefits:

  • To help children learn about their emotions and regulate their behaviour
  • Improve attendance and attainment, and reduce exclusions by children to engage with learning
  • Strengthen links with parents and carers, ensuring a joined up approach to supporting children’s social and emotional needs

We have very high expectations concerning behaviour and hope to develop children’s understanding of the impact of choices they make, whether positive or negative.    
Good behaviour and achievement is not automatically learned. Instead, positive behaviours must be modelled, explained, taught, supported and recognised. The expectations are designed to focus on positive action (I like the way you are walking sensibly) rather than what children should not do (do not run). The expectations are agreed actions so that there is consistency and fairness in all areas of school life.  Our Lady’s positive behaviour language is used by all staff to reinforce the approval of children doing the right thing and not to constantly address those who do not.

All children are encouraged to follow their class ‘School Rules’ and are rewarded for doing so either by collecting stickers, house points or being chosen for a weekly achievement certificate. For those who do not do the right thing there are discussions around 'I wonder why you have made that choice or decision' before a series of warnings and sanctions that aim to allow them to correct their bad behaviour and make better choices next time.
The ‘4 school rules’ - Be Happy; Be Kind; Be Respectful and Try your Best. are displayed in all classrooms and all children are expected to respect and follow these rules. They will have signed up to the rules, following discussion and debate.

Rewards for good behaviour and attitude to learning are many and varied. They begin with praise and are reinforced with house points, stickers, certificates  and whole school recognition. 

Everyone is responsible for behaviour of all children and all adults should reinforce the rules whenever appropriate, every parent signs the home school agreement on their child’s entry to the school.