Home Learning Tuesday 7th January 2025

Good morning and a Happy New Year to you All Year 3!
As you know school is shut because of the weather so I have added some work for you to complete until we are back.
We are continuing with multiplication and division this week so I have added a worksheet for you to complete practicing our 4 times table.
Don't forget you can also practice your times tables by logging on to TT Rockstars. 
There is a comprehension for you to complete. The extract is from a story is called 'Kitten Rescue' by Lucy Daniels. 
Read the text and answer the questions
Have a go at designing a poster to show all you have learned about our last topic 'Forces and Magnets'. Include  some facts, diagrams and pictures.
Carry out some research to find out about our new history topic 'Stone Age' to share when we are back in class. 
Try your best with these activities and I'll hopefully see you all soon.
Miss Morgan