Community Links

At Our Lady’s, we are committed to forging and strengthening links with the wider community in order to inspire and support our children to improve learning and development opportunities. Building relationships is a key part of this.


Here are some of the ways we have built and utilised community links:


  • Parents have been invited as adult helpers in the school, invited to join the PTFA, attended Assessment meetings, Parents Evening, Family Bingo, coffee mornings and other events.
  • Church and parishioners have been involved in Family Catechesis-Sacramental Preparation for Year 4 children- prepared by parents and supported by the school staff, governors and church catechists. Children have attended masses both in school and in church.  Catechists have supported all year groups with prayer and liturgy.
  • Business links have been made to provide the school with plants for the school garden as well as visits to a local solicitor to find out about careers.
  • Schools Collaboration has been made with other schools i.e. taster days at high school to help the transition of year 6 pupils; dance shows,  sports events with primary schools, attended cluster meetings, external moderation meetings and staff liaison.
  • Our Pre-school First Steps Nursery links are vital for our new starters from the Reception staff liaising with staff there to help with the transition from pre-school to our Lady’s each September.
  • Worked with a Associate School Improvement Advisor to self assess and provide support in striving to do our best for the school.
  • Charitable organisations have been helped by the school in its fund-raising and CAFOD, Nugent Society, Halton Haven and Macmillan charities have benefitted greatly.
  • Health and Safety and Environmental initiatives have been accessed by the school in conjunction with the Vikings RLC such as Crucial Crew, Fire Service and Healthy Schools Award celebration.


What we aim to do

  • Improve our communications with our stakeholders and the local press.
  • Encourage further local businesses to get involved in helping our school community.


How You Can Help

Parents as adult helpers are always welcome to get involved in volunteering in the school. Members of the PTFA are always needed. Local businesses can help provide resources or support to give something back to the community.


What We Have We Achieved

We have improved the educational outcomes for our pupils with great emphasis on providing opportunities and learning life skills enhancing the curriculum to ensure they leave primary school equipped with the knowledge and confidence necessary to prepare them for high school.